
Monday, August 9, 2010

Well, it finally happened...

The beloved bottle of my favorite perfume is finally gone (almost.) I have made it last for a long time but I think I am down to my last couple of spritz'. :( This breaks my heart since I cannot justify spending $70+ on a new bottle right now.
The amazing, fruity, floral scent that I am referring to is Chanel Chance. Now, this is the 2nd version of the scent and not to be confused with the original Chance that was a beige/yellow color. This one has a green tint to it and the bottle has a frosted cap. A scent that I feel is far superior to the original ;) Why they chose to name them the same thing, I do not know. And now, they have an even newer version called Eau Tendre. I don't really know why they insist on making version after version of this perfume, but I so love my beloved Chance. I fall in love with the scent all over again each time I wear it. (I save it for special occasions so that 1) I won't get burned out on it and 2) it will last loner.) :p
So, blog readers...tell me your fave perfume!


  1. I love Delicious by DKNY! We could start a collection at Sunday School for your perfume. We don't want you to come to church smelling bad!!!!

  2. Well, I DO shower Christie!!! :p And I do have lots of other perfumes like the one I wore to the party the other night & you told me I smelled good ;) But none of them compare to my Chance... (sigh)
    I like Delicious, too. A friend of mine used to wear it.

  3. I will have to make a point to try this one out at the mall! :) My favorite is Very Sexy from Victoria Secret.

  4. I used to wear that when I was at Heritage! :p I do love that perfume, too. I have several from V.S. that I love. I wear Heavenly a lot, too.
    I love going to the mall with no perfume on so I can spray myself with something while I'm there ;) One that I like to spray because I don't have it is Dolce & Gabanna Light Blue. It smells wonderful!


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