
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Pink or Blue???

Being the impatient person that I am, I wanted to try this little test...

I finally took the test this morning and...



Ready???  ;)

It looks like Hayden may be getting a little brother!  Also looks like mommy better start coming up with some nursery ideas for a boy... ;) (maybe vintage airplanes??? The wheels are turning already...)

For those of you wondering, this test is proven to be 82% accurate for in-home usage (it was 90% accurate in lab tests.) 

  We do have a boy name picked out (though no middle name) and I would love another little boy but honestly, I just want a healthy baby.  Either sex would be welcomed with open arms into our little family!  I must admit, we kinda felt like this one was a girl but maybe we were wrong?  I guess we will have to wait a couple months to see what the ultrasound says!  I know our little boy would just love a brother :) 

Stay tuned to find out what our ultrasound says, I am hoping to have one as early as possible (because, again, I am SUPER impatient!!!)

To order one of these tests yourself, visit their website HERE.

Thanks Intelligender for a fun test! 

All photos taken by Kristen (blog author) unless otherwise stated. Do not copy/save or print without permission. Thank you!


  1. Now Brandon still is sticking with his prediction. He is 19 for 19. He says little girl!

  2. I took that test and it said boy and i'm having a girl.

  3. Well maybe that will be the case for us, too! I felt like it was a girl but maybe my intuition is wrong? We shall see :)

  4. Great minds think alike - we're using vintage airplanes with PBK bedding if we have a boy! :)

  5. Mia, how funny! I have such a hard time with boy nurseries because I'm not a fan of the sports themed rooms and that sort of thing. It seems like most of the boyish stuff is not my taste so I struggle coming up with something. I love vintage stuff and my dad is an airplane mechanic and has always loved planes so I thought it would be so sweet to do the vintage planes if we end up with another boy. I'm just so excited to get to do another nursery (girl or boy!) :)

  6. We took that test when we had our last baby {two years ago} and it was correct... we had a boy :)


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