
Monday, August 15, 2011


Two.  It's the dreaded age.  Hayden has only been two for a few months now and I can honestly say, I think we are full-on into the "terrible two's!" 

(For this post, I should have taken pics of him throwing one of his 3457 fits today because these images are a little deceiving!)

This little guy is stubborn, strong-willed, defiant and independent.  He can be very compliant and sweet one day and then melt down over everything the next.  Today was one of those melt-down days.  Perfect because one of my friends came over with her kids for a playdate (who happens to have a great blog, check her out!)  Anyhoo, she got to see first hand the not-so-nice side of my two year old.  I think her poor kids had to play mostly by themselves since Hayden was being a meanie.  But I could tell she understood and had been there.  It's all part of motherhood :)

Aside from the meanness, Hayden is learning and doing so much.  He has been potty trained for a while and does great with it.  He still wears a diaper when he sleeps but during the day, he goes potty on his own.  He is still learning how to 'aim' so that he doesn't pee everywhere and that is something that we're working on.  Kinda hard when he says adamantly "I do it!!!!!" when he goes potty and doesn't want any help. 
He is learning his night time prayer "Now I Lay Me."  It's SO cute to hear him saying it and he wants to say it several times in a row (probably just stalling to go to bed...) 

He loves to sing his favorite songs around the house.  "You Got a Friend in Me" is his all-time fav since it's from Toy Story (his fav movie that he watches every day...either #1, #2 or #3.)  But he also loves a song called "Turning Tables" by Adele.  It's hilarious to hear him sing it as a two year old but it's SO cute.  He also sings the Barney "I Love You" song and randomly "Happy Birthday."  ha!  That reminds me.  He calls all cake "happy birthday cake" because most of the time when he eats cake, we are at a birthday party.  He is so silly. 

He recently discovered matchbox cars and is a bit obsessed...

And we keep buying them because they are cheap but 1) they are only 'cheap' if you don't buy several per week  2) they will quickly take over your house.

Him and daddy play cars for hours.  They know how many he has and the names of them.  If Hayden is missing one, he is asking where it is and daddy is searching the house to find it. 

He is also old enough to start in AWANA at our church.  He will be in the Puggles and I'm so excited.  I can't believe how quick my 'baby' is growing up.  Soon he will be a big brother!

All photos taken by Kristen (blog author) unless otherwise stated. Do not copy/save or print without permission. Thank you!


  1. Sweet Motherhood!...hard, but awesome! My little man is now 3 and exactly the same of how you described H. He's entered the "terrible threes" -we didn't experience the terrible twos! BLESSINGS!

  2. You know, I have had several people tell me that age 3 is worse than age 2...I am in denial about that right now ;) haha! And I agree, in spite of the hard times, it is definitely awesome and I would not trade it for anything in this world!

  3. Hello! I found your blog through Pinterest and have been reading for the past hour! :) You have a beautiful home! I have a four year old son who is starting school next week! Oh my! I understand about the tantrums! It's amazing how one minute you can think, "What happened to my sweet little boy?" and the next minute think, "There he is!" But being a mommy is definitely the best job in the whole world! Congrats on your new baby! We are trying for our second! :)

    God bless you!!

  4. Jessica, thank you for the sweet comment! I'm so excited that projects of mine are on Pinterest...I LOVE that site! ;) I'm sending lots of baby dust your way and hoping that your little man gets to be a big brother very soon!!!


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