
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

DIY Wooden Nursery Blocks

When I was pregnant with Hayden and decorating his nursery, I ordered some cute little handmade custom blocks from Etsy.  Well, this time around I am not working and don't have the extra funds to spend almost $30 on 6 little blocks!  I decided to make my own and I did with a $5 piece of wood, Mod Podge and 1/2 off scrapbook paper from Hob Lob :)  They are not perfect, but that's ok.  I wanted them to look a little 'rustic' or 'shabby' whatever you want to call it.

Here's how I made them.  We got a 1.5 in x 1.5 in piece of wood.  I wanted 2 inch blocks but they only had this size and one that was too big.  Anyway, my wonderful hubby cut 10 1.5 inch blocks from the wood.  I couldn't have done it without him since that part required some chop saw action!  Let me just say I couldn't do a LOT of my projects without my hubby's help, he is the best :)

So, I then had the daunting task of sanding all these because I wanted to round out the edges a bit.  This probably would have been easier with a sanding block but I had like a sanding sponge type thing that was not really cutting it :-/  Anyway, after I got all the rough edges smoothed out, I went around them with a wood stain pen and 'stained' all the edges.

It doesn't have to be perfect, just enough to cover what will show in-between the pieces of paper.
I had pre-cut all my pieces of scrapbook paper to fit and had them separated. 
Then I just Mod Podged them onto the blocks one at a time. (I used matte finish because I didn't want a shiny finish.)
I put the mod podge on the block then laid the paper on top but you could coat the back of the paper and put it on the block, I just wanted to get the least amount of sticky glue on my fingers as possible.....  I think either way you get messy :p
After covering the blocks in paper, I covered each block with a coat of mod podge.
I covered the 5 sides at one time and left one side (the bottom) uncoated until they dried, then finished coating them.

Here's the finished product :)

I love this little ducky block :)
They can be changed to whatever pattern combo I like.  I put the same 6 patterns on each block so if I want, I can have all the blocks matching or mix it up!
They are now sitting atop her dresser.  You'll be seeing them again in the nursery reveal hopefully coming soon!  I am still finishing up decorating in there.  I have yet to find an affordable accent rug (that coordinates with the room) and I'm getting a little frustrated!  I can't wait to show it to you all :)  My hubby worked so hard in there!

All photos taken by Kristen (blog author) unless otherwise stated. Do not copy/save or print without permission. Thank you!


  1. These are lovely! I like the mix of papers you chose. Gotta love hubbies that are SO helpful!!

  2. How very clever and it looked simple enough. My first visit to you special space here a I know I am going to enjoy many visits. Thanks for sharing. I will follow on my way out and hope you can find the time to come visit me and do the same. I look forward to engaging throughout twenty twelve with you. Cheers SpecialK XoXo


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