
Friday, June 8, 2012

A day in the life...

I have seen moms and photographers do something called "A day in the life" where they photograph the kids throughout the day (all day) doing the ordinary things they do.  I love the idea and wanted to do it with my kids.  Our days are nothing out of the ordinary but I cherish our days together and want to remember 'the little things.'  If I remember, I want to try to do this at least once a month so I can have it to look back on.  I definitely want to do it again since I missed a few things when I did it yesterday (Hayden brushing his teeth, etc..and he fell asleep before daddy could read to him.)  Anyway, I didn't do the best job of capturing everything I wanted but like I said, I hope to do this often so I will have other opportunities. :)


She was just being so cute I had to take several photos...

"Mommy, take my picture."


(it's not easy for me to get a candid photo of Hayden...he sees my camera and wants to pose...)

::Quiet/nap time::

(Ignore the half-big-boy-room/half nursery...we are slowly but surely re-decorating...the hubs has a nice built-in project planned and we need to paint.)  I'm hoping it will happen soon!

Brother woke her up while mommy was trying to sneak a few shots...  :(


Couldn't have posed a shot like this if I tried!  Precious.

Hayden refuses to wear anything but pj's when we are home.  He may change his clothes but he stays in pj's :)



All photos taken by Kristen (blog author) unless otherwise stated. Do not copy/save or print without permission. Thank you!

1 comment:

I looooooove getting feedback and hearing from my readers! :)