
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

She's One.

Yesterday was bittersweet.  My baby girl turned one.  I have no idea how this year went by so fast!  What a wonderful year it has been watching her grow and develop a (sassy) little personality! 
I took my camera in her room when she woke up to capture her on her birthday morning...
We had a fun-filled day including cupcakes, a couple little presents and the plaground.  She loved it all. 
Here she is killing devouring eating her cupcake.  I have never seen a baby just inhale a cupcake so fast.  I mean, usually they kinda pick at it, maybe eat the frotsing.  Not my kid.  She doesn't play around with food.  At all.  I had planned on just letting her have a bit of frosting and that be it but once I saw how much she was enjoying it, I couldnt' take it away.  Plus, she would have went ballistic if I tried...
She ate the entire thing. 
Hayden wanted a picture of her with his tablet...
I also had a couple little presents for her to open that day. 
I knew a tea set would be perfect for her because she loves dishes and utensils.

She is turning into a big kid too fast...taking lots of steps, saying "uh-oh," her first real word besides "mama, dada" which I kinda consider jibber-jabber but I suppose they are words too ;) 
I don't have her measurements yet but I'm thinking she is close to 20lbs :) 

Her party is saturday and I'm a very stressed trying to get everything in order for that!  :-/  I'm excited about it though, can't wait to see everything come together.  I'll post pictures of that sometime next week!

All photos taken by Kristen (blog author) unless otherwise stated. Do not copy/save or print without permission. Thank you!


  1. love that sweet baby of yours! Such a beauty!

  2. She's a little doll! You have such a beautiful family!

  3. precious!!!! The bottom left picture of her eating her cupcake had me seriously LOLing! Where in the world does time fly?

    1. I know! She is a nut!! My little foodie. A girl after my own heart.


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